Hillview Breeding Kennels
Ethical Breeding of healthy, happy, pet companions.
I hope I have covered everything with this web site, all current videos and updates are on my Social media accounts and links, as well as previews, are at the bottom of this page.
All my adult breeding dogs are pictured and updated when dogs are retired. I DNA test all my breeding dogs to rule out genetic diseases, they are also yearly health tested and temperament tested. Not every dog that comes to Hillview has the right personality as well as traits for breeding the sociable pups we happily home. A lot of time and money goes into finding the best so that we can breed the best.
Have a browse through my website. I have personally written every page and have plenty of useful information available. All headings are pages and have drop-down menus also.
I will regularly update my site as I think of things to add. Please let me know if there are thoughts you have that may be informative to add.
For facetime I use whatsapp. I have limited service so please book ahead and I will take pup into the office for viewing.
For overseas customers from Singapore and HongKong I prefer whatsapp for contact. Australia customers please contact me on either mobile numbers on the contact us page, depending on service area I may return the call on either number.
Precious Paws
Tiny toes, delicate nose, floppy ears, silky fur, your new fur baby is our first concern. Our watchful eyes from the moment of birth, to their first steps; will be our daily concern. For your peace of mind and ours alike we will check on them sleeping, eating and playing, until the day they depart. Till you come to take them home we will love and care for them all.
Social media posts
**Please note, colours, sizes, weights are dependent on nature and at times nurture. I can give an educated guess on the approx size considering previous breedings and sizes of the parents